Time Wait For No Man

Today in my class our teacher asked each one of us  to talk about what make us worry the most  , so each student has a different answer than the other one , but what made me stop for a moment and think about it was when she said: “ Time wait for no man “ . If we think a little bit in that idiom, we will find that it’s totally true  because every day each one from us has many things to do but if we keep thinking without doing an action or at least start working for what we want , the time will not wait for us .

 To be honest , I have never thought about that the word “time” is not just a word , it have more essential and deep meaning than I thought . The time will keep going on, it will not stop and wait for us to make a decision, so we have to stop thinking and start doing. Talking about a very simple example is when we have an exam, in any way it will have a specific time, so we have to finish and answer all the questions during the time that we have because when the time of the exam end, we will stop writing and it will be no more chance for us to answer the questions. 

Why did I mention this idiom?

1- I am sure that most of the people never cared or thought about how time is important 

2- To remind me and everyone to start doing what we want and think more about future 

Time is of gold , so don't waste it . "Think , plan then do"  before you regret it .Think about today and forget yesterday because what have already passed will never come back .


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